Facebook blueprint course notes
FB提供的glossary of ad terms
挑着看了Facebook blueprint里比较感兴趣的部分。看的是英文版,学习学习新术语。没有标注来源的引言都来自Facebook blueprint。
Introduction to Facebook Apps and Services
Audience Network: Extend the Reach of Your Facebook Campaigns
Audience Network helps advertisers extend the reach of their Facebook ad campaigns by delivering them in third-party mobile apps and mobile websites.
How It Works:
When you create an ad on Facebook for News Feed, your ads will also be delivered in Audience Network. Eligible ads are converted into different formats including native, banner, interstitial, or video ads on a growing number of Facebook-approved publishers.
所以难怪在一些连接了Facebook账号的地方可以看到好像确实挺感兴趣的广告,看来它们都属于Audience Network。
Best Practices to Get Started
Successful Campaigns Best Practices
Campaign goals
- Raise Brand Awareness
- Promote an App
- Drive In-Store Sales
- Drive Online Sales
Key principles
- Stories and facts
- Atomized content
- Thumb-friendly content
- Content franchises (thematically linked, ownable, and repeatable)
Learn about purchasing Facebook Ads
Ad Auction and Delivery Overview
Facebook Ad Auction Basics
- 大致思路:FB同时考虑(1)广告商的出价;(2)用户的兴趣(比如用户会不会对这些广告感兴趣,这些用户有多大可能性会在看到广告后采取进一步行动)</p>
FB用了一个叫Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG)的模型,大致的意思是大家出价的时候只要按照内心的true valuations出价就行了。之后有空再仔细看看这个模型。
In auction theory, a Vickrey–Clarke–Groves (VCG) auction is a type of sealed-bid auction of multiple items. Bidders submit bids that report their valuations for the items, without knowing the bids of the other people in the auction. The auction system assigns the items in a socially optimal manner: it charges each individual the harm they cause to other bidders. It also gives bidders an incentive to bid their true valuations, by ensuring that the optimal strategy for each bidder is to bid their true valuations of the items. It is a generalization of a Vickrey auction for multiple items.
—- Wikipedia
How Your Bid Is Calculated
Total bid
竞价的时候FB考虑的是total bid(total bid = eCPM + Ad Relevance factors)
- 广告商的出价:不论广告商想优化的是点击、app安装还是其他什么,在计算中都统一转换为effective CPM,简称eCPM(cost per impression)
- FB猜测的用户采取对应行动的可能性,避免破坏用户体验 (Ad Relevance)
- FB觉得用户会不会对这个广告感兴趣 (Ad Relevance)
几个total bid的具体计算公式如下
If you are optimizing and paying for clicks (CPC):
Total Bid = [(CPC bid) x (expected click-through rate or eCTR) *1000] + Ad Relevance factors
If you are optimizing and paying for impressions (CPM)
Total Bid = (CPM bid) + Ad Relevance factors
If you are optimizing for actinos and you’re paying for actions or impressions:
Total Bid = (CPA or oCPM bid) x (eCTR x conversion probability, or eCVR) + Ad Relevance factors
一个广告商赢了竞价以后,要付的价格不是最初的出价(bid),而是一个给予“其他所有广告主没能展示广告的总损失”算出的价格(”based on the value lost by all of the advertisers whose ads did not get shown”)。具体来说,一个广告商的损失是他的定价,因为假设大家都按true valuations出价。这个定价方式其实就是VCG model的定价方式。如果大家都按内心对竞价成功的估值出价,最后大家的ROI(Return On Investment)是最高的。
在另外一个页面看到了更多描述 Understanding how bidding and our ads auction work
Total values determine who wins an auction, but not when or how much the winner is charged.
You get charged when the result you’ve chosen to be charged for during ad set creation occurs.
The amount you get charged is the minimum amount you would’ve needed to set your advertiser bid at to win the auction. This means two things:
- You’ll often be charged less than your bid.
- There’s no advantage to underbidding. In fact, doing so may lead to losing auctions you would’ve otherwise won at no additional cost.
上面提到的第一点挺有意思,需要再详细看看VCG model。
Budget pacing
默认来说(Standard pacing),钱是平稳地花掉的,这样可以尽量维持campaign lifetime里的steady delivery。但是,也可以选择Accelerated Delivery(急速烧钱模式?)。
Ad Relevance
FB/Instagram/Audience Network只给用户展示相关的广告,这样对于用户体验和广告商的体验都是最好的。
- expected click-through rate = eCTR
- expected click-to-conversion rate = eCVR
eCTR和eCVR都是越高越好,越高说明ad relavence越高。FB通过各种数据可以预测eCTR和eCVR。当一个广告出现超过500次的时候,FB会提供daily relevance score,分数是一到十。大致来说,这个得分是根据目前的广告的performance和FB对广告受众的了解计算的,还考虑到广告商设定的目标(比如点击)。
一个关于Ad Relevance Score的更具体的页面:Ad Relevance Score
总的来看,因为total bid = eCPM + ad relevance,如果ad relevance越高,广告商的cost per objective就可以越低。(”Better ad relevance can lower your cost per objective.”)
Ad Targeting
- Core Audiences
- Custom Audiences
- Lookalike Audiences
Targeting: Core Audiences
- First-party data (来自用户的资料和行为)
Core Audiences are pulled from data related to demographics: geographic demographics, lifestyle/lifestage demographics, purchase-based demographics, etc. This data is pulled from the information you share in your profile and the behaviors you exhibit on our platform.
- Third-party data (可信第三方的营销数据)
Another aspect of our Core Audiences is what we call our Partner Categories, which are powered by offline data from trusted third parties. There are targetable audiences that are “on the shelf” and available to all marketers in the US, the UK, France, Germany, Australia, and Brazil. These syndicated segments from our partners cover hundreds of topics, verticals and products. The quality is maintained by machine-learning algorithms to understand how topics are related and are validated through CTR measurement and user surveys.
Targeting: Custom Audiences
Custom Audiences的意思大概是是用商家自己的数据,通过FB/Ins接触到自己已有的的客户。
While Core Audiences only uses Facebook data, Custom Audiences provides you the opportunity to hash your own data (e.g. via your own CRM) and match it to hashed Facebook data. The process provides advertisers a way to reach existing customers on Facebook and Instagram in a privacy-safe way.
- CRM (客户关系管理 Customer Relationship Management):包括邮箱、电话、名字、邮编、城市、国家……
- Intent Data: 网站/app的用户(比如鼓励鼓励已经放购物车的潜在客户)
- 数据咋用:可以用来target audiences、用来寻找lookalike audiences(比如已有客户的类似人群),或者是exclusion targeting(比如已经买了,就不用继续打广告了)
- Awareness: build your brand
- Consideration: drive intent with high-value prospects
- Conversion: acquire new customers by finding people who are most like your best customers
- Loyalty: cross-sell and upsell to recent purchasers
Targeting: Lookalike Audiences
首先,需要Seed Audiences(至少100个),可以是下面这些
- A Custom Audience: Create a Custom Audience using the Facebook pixel or the Facebook SDK.
- Your Facebook Page: People who Like your business Page have already shown an interest in your business. Create a lookalike audience of your Page fans to further drive awareness of your business and find more people who are likely interested in your products or services.
- Your CRM database: Leverage information about your best customers — including emails, phone numbers, and user IDs — by importing the data to Facebook to create a lookalike audience.
Best practices
- Expand your reach: Expand your audience due to limited reach from a small Custom Audience seed list. You can increase the reach of your ads and find more people on Facebook who haven’t yet connected with your business.
- Use specific seed audiences: Use seed audiences that are specific to the objective you want to achieve. For example, if you want to increase online sales in your mobile app, use a Custom Audience of your high-value mobile app users as your see audience. Optimize your audience size: Start by optimizing your lookalike audience for similarity to understand how your ads perform with more precise matching. Keep in mind that 1% is optimized for similarity and the top 5% is optimized for reach. Refine your targeting: Layer on other native targeting options like age, gender, and interests to reach even more people who are likely interested in your business.
- Use newer data: The more up to date your data is, the better we can match you with the right audience and do so more accurately.
- Segment your audience: If your seed audience is large compared to the country size, your ad can perform poorly because your seed audience is too diverse. We recommend you try segmenting your audience to a smaller target group and then create lookalikes of that audience.
Reaching a Multicultural Affinity Audience
To help US advertisers work with people who show an affinity to Hispanic, African American, or Asian American cultures, our team has developed a comprehensive targeting solution for Facebook and Instagram: Multicultural Affinity Targeting. This allows advertisers in the US to consider these people specifically on platforms where they are increasingly spending more of their time.